End of Year Competition

Images that have won an Award or an HM during the regular monthly competitions are automatically entered into an end of year judging.


Each Division is judged by a separate panel of distinguished judges from across the United States and from overseas. Except in rare emergency situations, no judge can be a member of an S4C member club.


Gold, Silver, and Bronze and Honor Awards for each Skill Level and a Best of Show Award across all Skill Levels are selected within each Division/Section. The number of Awards selected at each Skill Level  within a Section depends on the number of images and entrants eligible for consideration.



Awards are presented at the S4C Annual Installation & Awards Banquet. Held virtually.



Also presented at the Banquet are High Points Awards earned within each Section/Skill Level by entrants who have accumulated the highest number of points during the regular monthly competitions. In Individual Competitions only the 12 highest scoring images are counted towards the total. AN entrant must have entered at least 9 images, excepting DQs, to be eligible for a High Point Award.


Download PDF's of presentations containing results for each Division/Section starting with the competition year 2012-2013: