PJ Human Interest Definition

See Important Notifications regarding use of AI

and use of Inappropriate Subject Matter.

Also see new Editing Guidelines.

PJ Human Interest

In addition to the requirements for Photojournalism General (see below);

Human Interest images are Photojournalism images limited to those that depict a person or persons in an interactive, emotional or unusual situation excluding sports action, that is, exercise or physical activity requiring skill or physical prowess that is not just for the purposes of transportation or children's play.

Requirements for PJ General

Photojournalism entries are images with informative content and emotional impact, reflecting the human presence in our world.

  • The journalistic (story-telling) value of the image should receive priority over pictorial quality. 
  •  Images that misrepresent the truth, such as those from events or activities arranged specifically for photography, or of subjects directed or hired for photography, are not eligible.
  • When Human Interest is specified, those images depict a person or persons in an interactive, emotional or unusual situation, excluding sports action.

Borders: In Reality Divisions in S4C  (Nature, Photojournalism) 

Single white or grey borders of 3, 4, or 5 pixels in width are permitted. Larger, smaller, black, or color borders are not permitted. Entrants are, however, advised that borders of less than 5 pixels may appear incomplete in the smaller images used in the final Catalog due to jpeg artifacts.